Botswana Culture and  Travel Guide

Goals of this Guide

It could be that many people have not heard of Botswana and those few who have, think only of its big, wild animals. The largest population of elephants in Africa is here, for example.  

Our focus, however, is on the Batswana people, their history, their culture and their blend of tradition and modernity. Guidebooks for tourists mostly support wild-animal-safari enthusiasms so it’s harder for tourists to gather information on the people. 

In this website, we set out to promote Botswana’s less well-known and less visited aspects and to give enough information for travelers to make all their own arrangements to visit.

About Us

The authors of this booklet are Mike and Wendy Brogden.  Wendy taught in a Botswana school in the 1970s and she and Mike have made several return visits. They have also kept a friendship with some of her old pupils and got to know their children. Three of the children came to the UK on a visit in 2005 and two have made subsequent visits. In 2016, Mike and Wendy attended the wedding ceremonies of one of these children, a most interesting insight into Botswana customs.  

From these experiences, they have decided to set up this website to enable tourists, especially from the UK,  to see something of the people of Botswana and their culture.

Summary - Delete?

Some key points, see the menu for much more detail. (Not sure we need this in the context of a website)

Glossy cows at a cattle post

Goats at a cattle post

Carving by San Woodworkers (bought in Serowe market)

Elephant made of real ivory tusks made from naturally deceased animals (at Gaborone airport)